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Year Ahead Reading

Year Ahead Reading

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Do you ever wonder what next year will bring? Do you like being able to have the ability to organize your thoughts, budget and focus on what matters?

A Year Ahead Reading might be for you. There is a mystery surrounding these readings because they contain a lot of information with several messages woven into each. It creates the ability to make informed decisions, create plans and allow the receiver to look forward to what could/will be.

Fate is one thing, but knowing that something or someone who is going to be toxic to you is a situation you can avoid is self care.

Each reading is an hour and a half with an added bonus of psychic reading to compartmentalize what comes through. Please bring a notebook and a pen because these readings are all about the subtext and spirit messages waiting for you.

These are gentle readings and all are completely organic. I follow spirit and always have. Whatever comes through is what is meant to come through.

Blessed Be!