I have lived with shades, a shade; I am hung with graveyard flowers.
Let me be tonight arrayed In the silver of the showers.
Every fragile thing shall rust; When another April passes I may be a furry dust, Sifting through the brittle grasses.
All sweet sins shall be forgot; Who will live to tell their siring? Hear me now, nor let me rot Wistful still, and still aspiring.
Ghosts of dear temptations, heed; I am frail, be you forgiving.
See you not that I have need To be living with the living? Sail, tonight, the Styx's breast; Glide among the dim processions Of the exquisite unblest, Spirits of my shared transgressions, Roam with young Persephone.
Plucking poppies for your slumber
Sitting within liminal spaces, you arrive to so many revelations about yourself. While we dive into those very important parts of light and darkness, past lives and ancestors come through, helping us to work through our challenges and guide us to the best parts of ourselves.
There is a great one who is met on that underworld awakening, Persephone - The Floral Maiden.
The Queen of Death, Queen of the Underworld whose breath of light even in the darkest corners, allows us to uncover our truest selves.
Persephone's tea is a marriage of spirit governed flora of Pomegranate, Lavender, Calendula, Rose Petals, Raspberry Leaf, Sencha Green Tea and a few others to aid in your root and heart Chakra as you align yourself with this work.