This spirit embodied vessel was purchased a few months back at a beloved antique store. After sitting with it in ritual, I was given the consent to create it into a portal. This energy is soft and welcoming. Great for a beginner of this work.
These portals are to be used for Scrying, seance, works concerning that of a human psychopomp and other rites and rituals.
Each portal requires, in my care, a month long ritual process from clearing anything suffocating the living spirit that gave permission to be part of this work, to blessing the frame, mirror and the sigil specifically made for each.
To adopt one of my beloved portals is to break wide open your relationship with spirit and that contractual agreement to hold one another.
Each comes with lace to cover and accompany you in ritual, a book for automatic writing, a stick of special incense made in ritual, a white candle for flame meditation and to open up the line of communication and an intuitively selected crystal offer a constant replenishing of the your portals energy and aid in your work.
This particular portal is ready to be shipped and go to its new home.