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Malefic Arts

Malefic Arts

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A service rooted in the ancient and shadowed paths of witchcraft, The Malefic Arts are for those who seek justice when the mundane world falls silent. This work is not undertaken lightly, as it demands precision, intention, and the guiding hand of a witch well-versed in the unseen.

When harm lingers without consequence or the scales of balance tip unjustly, these workings become a potent remedy. Each act is crafted with care which is never reckless, always deliberate thus ensuring that what is sent forth is deserved and exacting.

Offerings within the Malefic Arts include:

Hexing & Cursing:

For when words and actions are not enough, these workings deliver rightful consequence, whether to expose truth, return malice to its sender, or bring unrest to those who do harm.

Binding Rites:

To restrict and limit those who overstep. Binding their influence, actions, or intent; ensuring they may no longer cause harm or disrupt your path.

Severance Spells:

For cutting ties and dissolving unwanted bonds, whether from a person, situation, or energetic hold, leaving you free to walk your road unburdened.

Freezing Work:

To halt interference and gossip, freezing ill intentions in their tracks and rendering harmful energies powerless.

Retributive Magic:

For those seeking karmic balance, this work calls upon forces beyond to deliver justice, making right what has been wronged in both personal and collective realms.

These workings are performed with both honour and consequence; they are not acts of petty grievance, but tools of restoration and boundary. Those who seek this path must be prepared to accept the weight of what they ask and the power that moves through it.

Once a service has been purchased, an email will be sent out with questions about the situation for they contribute to the work needed. 

The physical means that you will have the finished piece sent to you that you will need to feed and then tend to on a daily basis. The not physical means that is in my care and I will feed your intentions and spells everyday and do group channeling with them in order to amplify their intensity.