The Liminal ointment is a blend created in ritual that, when worn, aids you in traveling/slip between worlds and the more work you put in, the further you can travel. This is an ointment dedicated to Hekate and to her Temple, Her Keys & Mysteries. As you slip into deep meditation, liberated from the concept of time, you will start to perceive everything with a new set of eyes. Your gaze will fall on what your awakened self tends to miss due to the constraints of everyday life. See the Unseen, the truth betwixt and those that walk among us go unnoticed to the untrained. While I have used it, I have kept a journal by me, as I often do and I have blown away by the amount of times I have been drawn into the grounds of her temple. It is a gentle descent and one that has you feeling hands delicately touch your arms as you create space. A pause and an exhale as you feel the blade of grass under your feet and know you are teleported to this threshold of possibility.
Ownership of our own path is part of our work and when we have items, offerings and artifacts to guide us, we feel drawn in even deeper. I have been making this offering for myself for years and never thought it would be called to see the light of day. I am excited to share her with you.
Every single user will experience something different, but the work is balanced. Use it when it feels right and called to do so. Before bed, in the morning if you have the space for the journey.
Any ointment needs to be given the opportunity to work alongside you. They never work FOR YOU. They are a tool, a manifestation of spirit that forms a bond with the user who gives of themselves and their time to understanding the ecosystem within its vessel. Every offering is a living thing, an animistic poem of alchemy.
Ingredients: Agrimony, Belladonna Essence, Blood Orange, Blue Lotus, Calendula, Eyebright, Jasmine, Mugwort, Wild Lettuce, and Beeswax.
To use: Anoint pulse points, nape, third eye and bottoms of feet.