Made from the spirits of Honey, Black Bean, Balm of Gilead, Pomegranate and Deadly Nightshade, the master bottle is one of a kind.
It is meant to infuse not only the space, tool or ritual with deeply charged and amplified dedication, but it is also meant as a contract defined in ritual.
This is the oil that I use to offer my holy dead and the food offered up to the spirits that accompany me.
The power of the ritual that is was made under is in your hands and therefore, you are part of the process that took place while being made. The sacred magick that you will create from this will be potent and tangible.
Not to be worn as it does contain Deadly Nightshade, but definitely suggested to use in altar rites, altar/spirit water and tools to anoint. You may also find this oil very handy in spellcrafting such as candle making to propel the intensity of the work forward.
Blessed Be Witches!