The Ostara / Abundance Ritual Oil is all about rebirth, renewal, reaffirming and abundance.
Every year I make ritual oils and some speak to me more than others. Ritual Oils to me are special keys to more doorways that we might have a harder access to. We use these offerings to dress other ritual offerings such as candles, incense, libations, food for spirits, ancestors... and the self.
Especially during this Solar Holiday, we welcome in brand new intentions, reaffirming paths and redefining our perception. So of course it makes sense to invite in abundance. We should always strive for personal abundance. This doesn't mean JUST money and luck but happiness and good health. A change of pace and a path forward.
In this bottle we have Borage, Cinquefoil, whiskey, vetiver (among a sacred few others) and charged under Jupiter with Pyrite.
Not only to be used during this time of the year but always. It's just a great oil to have in your arsenal of Ritual Oils and wearable spells.